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Showing posts with the label HOW-TO

How to Do SEO For A Tiny Site With No Backlink

How to Do SEO For A Tiny Site With No Backlinks  Backlinks, content, people who have both of them do well when it comes to SEO. Websites who don't have either of them tend not to do well. But does that mean SEO is helpless if you have a tiny website with no backlinks? Hey everyone, I am Shubham Ghasi and today I'm going to share with you how you can do SEO for a tiny website that has no backlinks. Before we get into the tips I want to share a site that you guys should all check out. It's called Backlinko. Backlinko is a marketing blog by a buddy of mine, Brian Dean. He doesn't have a ton of pages, he doesn't have a ton of content, he doesn't spend his time doing manual outreach and link building. Yet, he dominates his rankings. And he's getting hundreds and thousands of visitors per month. He's not the only example. There's so many more like that all around the web. And there's a secret, there's a strategy to getting a lot of traffic whe

How to build make backlinks in SEO

How to build build make backlinks in SEO How to build make backlinks in SEO Look, if you want to rank on Google you need backlinks. We all know this, it's hard, and that's why a lot of people pay for them, but you shouldn't pay for them. Paying for them is against Google's policy, it's a great way to get your site banned, it's short term, it's one of the silliest things you can do. So, if you don't pay for them how can you get them? Hi everyone, I'm Shubham Ghasi and today I'm going to share with you how you can build backlinks without paying for them. So question, how do you build backlinks? Well, I'm guessing most of you don't build them at all, and I'm curious altogether, because there is a really simple way to do this. It does require hard work, I'm not going to tell you that you're just going to get these links in, wave a magic wand and do nothing, but if you're willing to do the work it's not hard to